Cheshire Architects是一家总部位于新西兰奥克兰的建筑设计事务所,由创始人Pip Cheshire和Nat Cheshire成立于2004年。他们 专注于设计与营造与众不同的项目,以奥克兰的事务所为根基,与世界各地的客户密切合作。无论项目的大小,地域与文化的差异,与客户们共同创造并完成有影响力的项目一直是事务所的宗旨。 Cheshire Architects is an Auckland, New Zealand-based architectural design firm founded in 2004 by founders Pip Cheshire and Nat Cheshire. Based in Auckland, they work closely with clients from all over the world. Regardless of the size of the project, regional and cultural differences, it has always been the firm's mission to work with clients to create and complete influential projects. Cheshire Architects不拘泥于固定的风格,已完成的项目涉足于城市规划,商业,民宅,室内设计,家具,项目管理,产品内容。以建筑本身为切入点,把设计和思考深入项目的方方面面,完成大到城市小到家具的完整建筑体验。 Cheshire Architects is not confined to a fixed style. Completed projects are involved in urban planning, commercial, residential, interior design, furniture, project management and product content. Taking the architecture itself as the entry point, the design and thinking are deeply involved in all aspects of the project to complete the complete architectural experience from large city to small furniture. Cheshire Architects由来自各文化背景的设计师们组成。工作室极为关注建筑以及事务所在当代社会责任,和可持续性。在从业的数十年里,事务所积累了大量的顾问资源,各行业的精英友人,以及与政府的合作关系,可以胜任各种类型的项目。 Cheshire Architects is comprised of designers from a variety of cultural backgrounds. The studio has a strong focus on the architecture and the firm's contemporary social responsibility and sustainability. In the decades of practice, the firm has accumulated a large number of consulting resources, elite friends in various industries, and partnerships with the government, which can be competent for various types of projects.