每年的5月17日是“国际不再恐同日”,该纪念日是日前公认的国际纪念日,旨在希望唤醒世人对同性恋者、跨性别与双性恋的关注,使得那些因其受恐惧的人们对同性恋者不再有歧视。今日小编要介绍一对来自欧美帅出天际的同性室内设计师——NateBerkus和Jeremiah Brent。 International Day Against Homophobia, which is celebrated every year on May 17, is a recently recognized international day to raise awareness about gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual people and to stop discrimination against those who are feared by them. Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent are a pair of gay and handsome interior designers from the US and Europe. NateBerkus和Jeremiah Brent这对设计夫妇谈起他们的相遇是一见钟情然后喜结连理,他们于2013年在秘鲁订婚,于2014年5月份正式结婚并举行了婚礼,很快他们迎来了两个可爱的孩子Poppy和Oskar 。最平凡的幸福就是一家人开开心心在一起。 The design couple, Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent, talked about how it was love at first sight when they met and tied the knot. They got engaged in Peru in 2013 and were officially married in May 2014, shortly after welcoming two adorable children, Poppy and Oskar. The most common happiness is a family happy together. NateBerkus于1971年出生于加利福尼亚,他是一位室内设计师、作家和脱口秀名人。他于1995年在芝加哥成立了自己的工作室Nate Berkus Associates,目前在全国乃至全世界设计享誉盛名的宜居室内设计。工作室植根于“家应该讲故事”的理念,利用他们独特的观点创造了令人难忘的灵感空间。他们对古董,纺织品,美术和定制设计有着深刻的了解,为每个项目带来了永恒而精致的愿景。 Born in California in 1971, Nate Berkus is an interior designer, author, and talk show personality. He founded his Chicago-based studio, Nate Berkus Associates, in 1995 and is now known for designing affordable homes across the country and around the world. The studio is rooted in the idea that "home should tell a story", using their unique perspective to create unforgettable inspired Spaces. They have a deep knowledge of antiques, textiles, fine art and custom design, bringing a timeless and refined vision to each project. Jeremiah Brent于1984年出生于加利福尼亚,他是一位室内设计师同时也是一位演员和制片人。他于2011年创立了自己的设计公司Jeremiah Brent Design,这是一家位于洛杉矶和纽约的全方位服务的室内设计公司。他的“无规则”加州现代风格的灵感来自他家乡的自然之美,并到世界各地旅行。Jeremiah策划他客户的家来反映这些旅程,并证明成功的室内设计首先是一个人的过去、现在和未来的个人反映。“室内设计就像时尚一样,是我们赖以生存的艺术。”——Jeremiah Brent Jeremiah Brent was born in 1984 in California. He is an interior designer, actor and producer. In 2011 he founded his own Design firm, Jeremiah Brent Design, a full-service interior Design firm based in Los Angeles and New York. His "no-rules" California modern style is inspired by the natural beauty of his hometown and travels around the world. Jeremiah curates his clients' homes to reflect these journeys and proves that successful interior design is first and foremost a personal reflection of one's past, present and future. "Interior design, like fashion, is art we live our lives in."- Jeremiah Brent