Workroom是澳大利亚一个专门从事商业、零售、住宅和酒店行业的当代室内设计工作室。每个项目是都是设计和工程的一项壮举,是美学与功能之间的微妙平衡。John Bornas和他的合作伙伴 Jo-Anne Gleeson于1999年创立了Workroom工作室,其简单的目的是让平凡的事物变得美丽,为复杂的建筑问题找到了优雅的解决方案。 Workroom is an Australian contemporary interior design studio specializing in the commercial, retail, residential and hospitality industries.Each project is a feat of design and engineering, a delicate balance between aesthetics and function. John Bornas and his partner Jo-Anne Gleeson founded the Workroom studio in 1999 with the simple aim of making ordinary thingsbeautiful and finding elegant solutions to complex architectural problems. Toorak II Residence 当代 永恒 经典 Workroom完成了位于墨尔本市中心的Toorak一处当代混凝土住宅。这个项目背后的想法是创造一个平静的城市绿洲。设计通过努力使所有的空间相互连接来促进和谐。 Workroom completes acontemporary concrete house in Toorak, central Melbourne. The idea behind the project is to create a peaceful urban oasis. The design promotes harmony by endeavoring to connect all spaces to each other. 无论是生活空间和功能空间之间,室内和室外,还是室内的不同楼层。设计的意图一直是每个区域都是一个整体的一小部分,而不是一个独立的环境。这所房子是它各部分的总和。没有哪一部分比另一部分更重要。 Whether it's between living and functional Spaces, indoor and outdoor, or on different floorsinside. The intention has always been that each area is a small part of a whole rather than a separate environment. The house is the sum of its parts. No partis more important than another. 独家专访 Ynterview ━ Yinji:您能为我们介绍下设计理念吗? Yinji:Could you first introduce the design concept? John Bornas:我认为建筑是有目的的艺术。空间会影响你,它们会在情感、生理和心理上影响你。它可以让人感觉到你正在走进墙外的东西,这些墙只是我们设计空间的媒介。我们居住的空间。通过对某人的简介进行主观,个人和艺术表达,我们可以创建影响其墙外的空间。 John Bornas:I see architecture as art with a purpose. Spaces can affect you. They can affect you emotionally, physically and psychologically. It can invoke a feeling that you are walking into something beyond its walls. These walls are simply the medium with which we design space. The space we inhabit. Through a subjective, personal, artistic expression of someone’s brief, we can create spaces that affect beyond its walls. John Bornas:我们的使命是创造现代,永恒,优雅的空间。 John Bornas:Our mission is to create contemporary, timeless,elegance. Yinji:当你开始一个设计时,设计触发点的情景是如何产生的?其中你认为最重要的品质是什么? Yinji:What situations would inspire you to start a design? Which quality is the most important for you? John Bornas:我们通常都是从草图开始,使用笔与纸,不用电脑 John Bornas:We always start witha sketch. Using pen and paper. No computers. John Bornas:我们尝试保留最初的草图,一直到最终的成品。 John Bornas:The first idea isalways most important. We try to retain that initial sketch all the way through to the final product. Yinji:在您以往的项目中,您最喜欢哪个?为什么? Yinji:Out of all the projects you have done is there a favorite project and why? John Bornas:每个项目都很特别,有时候是场地,有时候是我们的客户,有时候我们使用特定材料,每一个项目都拥有好的质量。 John Bornas:Every project is special. Sometimes it’s the site, sometimes our client, sometimes it’s the way we used a particular material. But every project has qualities that make it a favourite. Yinji:您在设计时是否渴望建筑物的永久性? Yinji:Do you long for the permanence of building while designing? John Bornas:对我们来说,永恒来于设计本身。我们追求现代、永恒、优雅。这种时效性在于这栋建筑保留多少年的现代自然。 John Bornas:Permanence for uscomes from the design itself. We strive for contemporary, timeless, elegance. That timelessness is about creating a building that retains its contemporary nature through many years Yinji:在您的职业生涯是否有一段艰难岁月,您是如何度过的? Yinji:Have you ever experienced a hard time in your career? How did you get through it? John Bornas:我认为艰难的时刻来了,重要的是你需要了解你的核心价值。永远回归核心价值,到不管你做任何决定是否该做。虽然我们会随着时间的流逝扩大或是缩小我们的价值,这种做法的核心仍然是相同的。 John Bornas:I think hard times come and go. The important thing is understanding what your core valuesare. By always coming back to those values when making decisions about what the practice should do, we can ensure that whilst we may expand and contract over time, the practice at its core, remains the same. Yinji:您认为学习设计最好的方式是什么? Yinji:What do you think is the best way to learn design? John Bornas:对于我来说,学习设计的最好方法就是“设计”。犯错误并从中吸取教训。体验他人的设计,或者通过旅行,亦或是从其他文化的设计中学习。 John Bornas:For me, the best way to learn design is by designing. Making mistakes and learning from them. Experiencing other people’s design, travelling and learning from othercultures’ design.