我在过去和未来之间,用一种微微的摇摆,以及飘然而行,在拖动时间剧烈地转动。无限长的曲线就是宇宙的抽象,一头连着无限的过去,另一头连着无限的未来,中间只有无规律无生命的随机起伏,一个个高低错落的波峰就像一粒粒大小不等的沙子,整条曲线就像是所有沙粒排成行形成的一维沙漠,你可以沿着它向前向后走无限远。 I was dragging the time fiercely with a slight drifting move in between the future and the past. The infinity curve stand for the abstraction of the universe, connecting the future and the past in two direction, the only thing in between are some random lifeless sands with different sizes, the whole curve are formed by those sands and looks like a one dimensional desert, you can walk through it to the endless future. 我们理解世界,进行描述,赋予它秩序。 ━ 我停下来,什么也不做。什么也没有发生。我什么也不去想。我们任它带领。秒、时、年的洪流将我们投向生命,我们栖居于时间之中,就如鱼在水中。我们的存在,就是在时间中存在。 I stopped with no action, nothing happened, nothing in my mind, let it lead, time streaming put us into life, we live around it like fish flying in the ocean, our existence is to exist in the time. 时间不是一条双向的线,而是有着不同两端的箭头。狂野的曲线突破空间的桎梏,或自天花板而下,或由地面肆意生长而出。将未来住宅的概念置入到空间营造当中,穿越未来与艺术,把科幻大片中的未来会客厅场景呈现在眼前。感受将机车开进豪宅客厅的速度与激情,每向前靠近一步,源自精密的机械原理与设计美学造就的马达轰鸣声,在耳畔愈发清晰。时间没有方向,以不同节奏流逝。 Time is not a two-way line, but arrows with different ends. The wild curve breaks through the shackles of space, or grows from the ceiling or grows wantonly from the ground. Put the concept of the future house into the space creation, traverse the future and art, and present the scene of the future living room in the science fiction blockbuster. 线条的艺术力量,潜藏秩序与平衡的设计哲学。充满张力的曲线,抛却形式之外的纯粹,由点及面如云似瀑,向右一侧如同为机车延绵出一条自由无界的跑道。倏忽之间犹如坠入异次元,耳畔似有风声呼啸而过,踏过入口,像穿行时空的舱门,未来感、时空感、速度感交织,瞬间将人带入这片静默的空间。 The artistic power of line, the design philosophy of hidden order and balance. The curve full of tension, abandoning the purity beyond the form, from the point and surface like a cloud or a waterfall, to the right side like a locomotive extending a free and borderless runway. 从容游弋的线条与流线型的机身造型互为呼应,恰似风驰电掣中,留下的一道道不羁的线,游走出白色塑形的起居场。开阖有序,每一处动线皆是首尾呼应,空间中处处是对流线的着墨讲究与色调的和谐共情,既有视觉上的开放,又有功能性上的闭合。蕴含的内敛,便在这一动一静充满速度与力量的强大张力中,得到最适切的内涵传达。 The leisurely cruising lines and the streamlined body shape echo each other, swimming out of the white-shaped living area. The opening and closing are orderly, and every movement line echoes from the beginning to the end, and the space is full of attention to the flow of ink and the harmonious empathy of tones, both visually open and functionally closed. 时间流动,我站在速度的中心。 ━ 我是速度的掌控者,我是速度的主人。速度就像尖利的牙齿,像一把大大的锯子,像一把犁铧,在无限的空间中吞噬着,切割着,伸延出一种距离的美丽。 I am the master of speed, and I am also the master of speed. Speed is like sharp teeth, like a big saw, swallowing and cutting in the infinite space, extending the beauty of a distance. 张扬的曲线、没有色彩倾向的黑白,大面积的红,马达轰鸣声未起,红与黑白已在无界之间奏起狂想曲。杜卡迪那抹靓丽的红,成为穿梭在黑白塑形空间内的游历者。愈是跳脱的色彩,愈能从激发旺盛想象力的复杂风格中为人们寻求精神慰藉。 The wild curves, the black and white with no color tendency, the large area of red, the roar of the motor has not yet risen, and the red and black and white have played a rhapsody between the unbounded. Ducati's beautiful red has become a traveler in the black and white shaping space. 从顶视面倾斜而下的一整片饱满的红,是自大地喷涌而出的生命,为简洁的体块穿插道尽无穷想象。顶灯洒下一片熠熠灼灼的光,为纯粹的红丰盈出明暗层次,令空间律动出别样的动感氛围。红色成为黑白空间内的视觉调剂,饱和的色调张扬得恰到好处。起伏的线条,实现了优雅过渡的空间流动。 A whole swath of red slanting down from the top view is life spewing out of arrogance, interspersed with endless imagination for the simple volume. The ceiling lamp sheds a gleaming light, creating a light and dark level for the pure red abundance, making the space rhythm a different kind of dynamic atmosphere. 韵律以一种飞扬的动势,延绵出丰富且连续的空间与时间的节奏。移步之间,通往未知的时空隧道。无处不在的红,将空间张力层层延续。每一处火热到令人无法移目的红,皆是鲜明的视觉信号,也是游走时的仪式感。将视线拉向远处,红色渲染的吊顶通过切割、转折、延续等建筑手法的缜密布局,与这处「时空舱」化作巨大的艺术品。 With a flying momentum, the rhythm stretches out a rich and continuous rhythm of space and time. Between moving, leading to an unknown space-time tunnel. Pulling the line of sight to the distance, the red-rendered ceiling is meticulously laid out with architectural techniques such as cutting, turning, and continuation, turning this "space-time cabin" into a huge work of art. 时间秩序牵引,宇宙在未来中展开 ━ 在寻找时间的途中,我们朝着远离自己的方向进发最终却发现与我们自己有关的事物。也许就像哥白尼那样,研究天空的运动,最终却搞清了脚下地球的运动。 On the way to seek the time, we move away from ourselves and finally find something related to ourselves. Perhaps like Copernicus, he studied the movement of the sky, but finally figured out the movement of the earth under his feet. 无状却有序的线条曲折牵引,超越现有美学与空间框架的形构手法,形成动线交汇,以极尽的自由度,令空间的行为主体彻底让渡于人自身,而将关注的焦点投射于家居本身。进入空间的每一个人,都可以在空间中感受到浓烈的品牌气质,然后在这样的一个空间里面沉下心关注产品。 The intangible but orderly lines traverse tortuously, surpassing the existing aesthetics and the spatial structure of the framework, and form the intersection of dynamic lines. With the maximum degree of freedom, the actors of the space are completely transferred to the people themselves, and they will be paid attention to. The focus is projected on the house itself. Everyone who enters the space can feel the strong brand temperament in the space, and then concentrate on the products in such a space. 时间流逝为何如此真实。时间之谜在于我们可以感知到的脉搏的跳动,在于内心深处的记忆之谜,以及对未来的隐喻。一个被剥离至本质的空间,闪耀着令人着迷的光芒。时间的秩序下,世界更像是由转瞬即逝的声音,马达的轰鸣或大海的波浪构成的。开放的视角和精致的细节构成隆重的空间形态。革新与探索交汇、材料与艺术碰撞,在当代的框架性表现手法下,时间与空间交织,释放出一种前卫的生活形态,经典与文化在此处共生,宇宙的哲学也就此闪现。 Why is the passage of time so real. The mystery of time lies in the pulse that we can perceive, the mystery of memory in our hearts, and the metaphor for the future. A space stripped to the essence, shining with a fascinating light. Under the order of time, the world is more like a fleeting sound, the roar of a motor or the waves of the sea. The open perspective and exquisite details constitute a grand spatial form. Information ━ 项目名称 | 珂图雅居全球总部旗舰店 Project Name | Gallerie Couture Global Flagship Showroom 设计公司 | 刘荣禄国际空间设计 | 甲鼎设计 Design Company | Louis Liou International Interior Design | Very Space International 项目位置 | 杭州 Project Location | Hangzhou 项目总指导 | 刘荣禄、陈福南 Lead Architects | Louis Liu, Franco Chen 硬装团队 | 陈竹卫、周逸莹、厉亦凡、易繁 Design Team | Chen Zhuwei, Zhou Yiying, Li Yifan, Yi Fan 软装团队 | 刘荣禄国际空间设计 | 京典艺术陈设 Design Team | Louis Liou International Interior Design | Classic Casa International 灯光设计 | Yaank向杨照明设计 Lighting Design Firm | Yaank 灯光设计顾问 | 杨可 Lighting Design Consultant: Yang Ke 空间性质 | 商业空间 Clients | Commercial space 空间面积 | 5000m² Gross Built Area | 5000m² 项目摄影 | 王厅 Photo credits | Wang Ting 刘荣禄(Louis Liou),跨界建筑/ 室内设计师及艺术家。艺术科班出身,求学时期即活跃于台湾艺术圈,具备深厚的艺术底蕴,更曾在国际性艺术展中,受邀为参展艺术家。对建筑、室内设计怀抱高度热情,并将其丰厚的艺术经历,结合个人对当代东方文化的体悟,缔造出独特的设计语汇-「时尚东方•先锋艺术」,致力创造当代艺术与东方人文精神融合的空间,引领未来空间设计美学。 代表作《DN Innovacion餐厅》,被美国知名美食网站The Daily Meal评选为亚洲最杰出的餐厅之一;另一代表作《我在中山刘公馆》为刘荣禄受台北市立美术馆之邀,首位以跨界艺术家身份为馆方30周年典藏展打造的艺术场域。其作品连续多年荣获世界指标性奖项如德国German Design Award、iF及红点大奖、英国Andrew Martin等,被设计界誉为「空间叙事诗人」。